Kansas 4-H Calendar

2023-2025 Kansas 4-H Calendar

48 Hours of 4-H - Reports Due!

If your club (or your family) completed a service project in the month of October, it can count as a 48 Hours of 4-H service project! Even if you did not originally register, Kansas 4-H wants to hear about your service project. Complete the Follow-up Report on the 48 Hours of 4-H website !

4-H Ambassador Opportunity

Would you like to serve on the 21 Central District 4-H Ambassador Team? If you are an intermediate or senior level 4-H member and want to help grow 4-H, this district-level team is for you! You can make a difference while developing your leadership skills. Plus, it'll help you earn your next achievement pin.

4-H Branding on T-Shirts and Graphics

The KSRE and Kansas 4-H co-wordmark is to be included on all 4-H marketing and publishing materials including print, digital, apparel, and merchandise. This applies to all designs created at the local, county, and district levels. Official licensed vendors are to be used. Reach out to your local office if your club, council, or fair board are planning t-shirts, prizes or other products that are for 4-H members. We can also get you the correct wordmarks to use on graphics and flyers. Visit Kansas 4-H Promotional Resources website.

4-H Camp Discounts

4-H Camp Registration Discount Ends Dec 31

Ready, set, register! All 4-H camp sessions are now available for registration online at www.rockspringsranch4hcamp.org. Each family registers directly with Rock Springs Ranch. If you have questions about the sessions or camp experience, it is best to contact Rock Springs Ranch directly at (785) 257-3221 or campregistrar@rockspringsranch.org.

The early bird registration rate (10% discount) ends on December 31, of the current year. Before you register, contact your local office and your club leader. There may be club or county-level event scholarships available, and it is important to know how to select payment so your
scholarship can be included.

Full-Ride Campership for Teen Leaders at 4-H Camp

A Rock Springs Ranch donor, the Patterson Family Foundation, is providing full-ride camperships to Counselor in Training (CIT) participants during the 4-H camp season! Rock Springs Ranch is looking for teens age 16 to 17- years, especially rising 12th grades, to participate. Participants will receive camper care training and counselor experience, in addition to "camp" time with peers. If you are interested in the CIT program, submit a letter of interest at the online link, as soon as possible!

4-H Council Meetings

Below are the scheduled meeting dates for the 4-H Councils in 21 Central District. Dates, times and locations are subject to change and members will be notified in a timely manner.

Edwards County 4-H Council
Meetings are at the PLACE at TIME

Stafford County 4-H Council
Meetings are at the PLACE at TIME

4-H Day With Wildcat Women's Basketball

Save the date for 4-H Day with Wildcat Women's Basketball. Celebrate 4-H and cheer on the Wildcats in February. Watch for more details and registration as they become available.

4-H Horse Panorama in Salina

The 4-H Horse Panorama will be held in January at the K-State Salina campus. Horse Panorama is a compilation of various contests related to the Horse Project. Contests include quiz bowl, hippology, public speaking presentations, photography, and educational posters. Registration is open in early December and is due in January of the current 4-H year. For more information and to register, go here.

4-H Horse Project State-level Updates

Kansas 4-H has made changes for the 4-H Horse Program. Information on the State 4-H Horse Show qualification and ownership deadlines are posted on the Kansas 4-H Horse Project website.

4-H Project Goals

Writing 4-H project goals should take place toward the beginning of the 4-H year rather than right before record books are due. Use the Setting 4-H Project Goals worksheet to guide the 4-H member as they write and set 4-H project goals for the year ahead. Once the young person has selected their 4-H projects, they should plan out what they would like to learn and accomplish. It is very helpful when this process is done with the guidance of an adult volunteer or junior teen leader. Setting measurable goals will help ensure that the 4-H member has a positive 4-H project learning experience. Goal setting is a great educational activity to incorporate into a 4-H Club meeting!

Animal Science Webinar Series

On the fourth Monday of each month, Kansas 4-H is hosting a webinar focused on all things animal science. This series gives members an opportunity to learn more about the livestock industry, career opportunities and good animal husbandry practices. Register and learn more at the Animal Science project webpage.

Club Fundraisers

Fundraising efforts are to follow Kansas 4-H and KSRE policies. If you are planning a fundraiser, contact your local office to make sure it is handled appropriately. By reaching out in advance, 21 Central District can help you with promotion!

Club Seal

Start filling out the club seal application to earn much deserved recognition for your 4-H club's efforts to make the best better!

County Fair 2024 Dates

Edwards County Fair: July, 2024
Stafford County Fair: July, 2024

Dog Training for Judges, Project Leaders, and Youth

The Kansas 4-H Dog Judges Training and Recertification is yearly in January in during the current 4-H year. The location of the dog training varies throughout Kansas each year.

Learn what to expect as a judge in the four 4H dog events: Showmanship, Obedience, Rally Obedience and Agility. There have been some changes in the last two years especially in the Agility event.

New judges and re-certifying judges welcome. This is also a good opportunity for local dog project leaders and older 4-H members (16 yr+ and open to non 4-H adults) to observe the training and better understand how they will be judged. You may certify as a judge or just observe to learn more. The certification is good for five years.

Contact your local office if you are interested and we can connect you to more registration details.

Equine Webinar Series

On the third Monday of each month, Kansas 4-H is hosting a webinar series giving 4-H members, volunteers and parents equine-related knowledge and skills as well as insight into the horse industry in Kansas. Topics will include basic 4-H Horse project knowledge, horse health, and college and career readiness. Register and learn more at the Equine event's webpage.

Junior Meat Goat Producer Day

Beef and Sheep days are held in the even years and Swine and Meat Goat days are held in the odd years.

Join the K-State Youth Livestock Program on March 18 for the biennial K-State Junior Meat Goat Producer Day in Weber Arena on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan. This educational program will be a fun-filled day in which youth, parents, agents, and project leaders can increase their knowledge of youth meat goat projects. Presentations will be provided by K-State faculty members, graduate students, former exhibitors, and guest speakers. All ages and skill levels are invited! Participants will receive a K-State Meat Goat Show Guide, t-shirt, and complimentary lunch. Only those who register by the deadline on February 22 will receive a t-shirt. The registration fee is $20/person before February 22 and $25/person after the deadline. This is a family event! Anyone attending must register, including all youth and adults. Register athttps://commerce.cashnet.com/KSUASIND.

K-State Junior Meat Goat Producer Day Event Flyer

Junior Swine Producer Day

Beef and Sheep days are held in the even years and Swine and Meat Goat days are held in the odd years.

Join K-State Youth Livestock Program on March 11, 2023 for the biennial K-State Junior Swine Producer Day in Weber Arena on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan. This educational event will be a fun-filled day in which youth, parents, agents, and swine project leaders can increase their knowledge of youth swine projects. Presentations will be provided by K-State faculty members, graduate students, former exhibitors, and guest speakers. All ages and skill levels are invited! Participants will receive a K-State Show Pig Guide, t-shirt, and complimentary lunch. Only those who register by February 15 will receive a t-shirt. There will also be door prizes! The registration fee is $20/person for those who sign up by the February 15 deadline, or $25/person after that date. This is a family event! Anyone attending must register, including all youth and adults. Register at https://commerce.cashnet.com/KSUASIND.

K-State Junior Swine Producer Day Event Flyer

Junior Beef Producer Day

Beef and Sheep days are held in the even years and Swine and Meat Goat days are held in the odd years.

The K-State Junior Beef Producer Day is March 2, 2024, in Weber Arena on the Kansas State University campus. This event will be a fun-filled, educational day of activities where youth, parents, beef project leaders, and extension agents can expand their knowledge of youth beef projects. Presentations and demonstrations by K-State faculty, staff, K-State livestock judging team members, and guest speakers will cover topics such as selection, nutrition, meat science, reproduction, health, grooming, and showmanship. An optional YQCA certification session will be offered at the end of the day. A complimentary lunch and t-shirt (early registrations) will be provided. The registration fee is $20/person for those who sign up by February 12 and $25 for those who register after the deadline. Only those who register by February 12 will receive a t-shirt. This is a family event! Anyone attending must register, including youth and adults. Visit the Kansas Youth Livestock Program website for more information.

Registration Link: http://bit.ly/ksuasiregister

Junior Sheep Producer Day

Beef and Sheep days are held in the even years and Swine and Meat Goat days are held in the odd years.

Join us for K-State Junior Sheep Producer Day on Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Weber Hall on the Kansas State University campus. Presentations and demonstrations will be provided by featured guests, as well as K-State faculty, staff, and students. This event will be a fun-filled, educational day of activities in which youth, parents, extension agents, and sheep project leaders can increase their knowledge of youth sheep project selection and management. Topics include project selection, nutrition and feeding, facilities, health, reproduction, meat science, wool, clipping and grooming, showmanship, and an optional YQCA certification at the end of the day. This event is designed for all ages and skill levels. Lunch is included. The registration fee is $20/person for those who sign up by February 26, or $25/person for those who register after that date. Only those who register by February 26 will receive a t-shirt. This is a family event! Anyone attending, including both youth and adults, must register. Visit the Kansas Youth Livestock Program website for more information.

Registration Link: http://bit.ly/ksuasiregister

Kansas 4-H Club Corner

Visit the Kansas 4-H Club Corner for resources to help your club have an awesome year!

Kansas 4-H Project Resources

Visit your project's website at Kansas 4-H to connect to a wide variety of resources such as curriculum, exhibiting expectations, leader resources, and more. If you are looking for guidance or new ideas in a project area, reach out to your local office and we'll help direct you to resources that will assist with finding your spark!

State 4-H Ambassador Opportunities

State 4-H Communication Training
In 2023, the Kansas 4-H training for youth ambassadors is expanding and open to all teen
leaders! The Kansas 4-H Ambassador and Communication Training will be February 24-25
at Rock Springs Ranch.

State Ambassador Action Team Seeking Teen Leaders
The Kansas 4-H Ambassador Action Team is looking for teen leaders wanting to make a difference. Through this team, you'll help with ambassador initiatives across the state and support learning opportunities to build communication skills. Adult volunteers are also needed on the team.

Stay Connected on Facebook!

Make sure to follow our Facebook pages for important updates and reminders. Please note we have private Facebook groups pretaining to each club or county. For more information on those groups please contact our extension office.


K-State Research & Extension 21 Central District

Edwards County 4-H

Stafford County 4-H

Volunteers Need to Enroll

Adults serving the 4-H club, a project, or in other volunteer capacities need to be registered as a volunteer in 4-H Online. This is a requirement of Kansas 4-H for a variety of reasons, such as insurance and risk management. Register or re-new your registration today at v2.4honline.com. Contact your local office if you have questions.

Willie and the Beanstalk Competition

Willie and the Beanstalk is a soybean competition for Kansas K-12 students to encourage interest in the field and increase their knowledge of soybean development. This as a learning opportunity where youth can investigate plant genetics, plant nutrition, plant growth, soil properties, and environmental factors that all come together to produce the largest soybean plant. Students who enter the competition will work to see who can grow the largest soybean plant. This year's competition will be held as part of the 2023 Spring University Open house, with a new virtual scoring option available this year. Learn more about the rules and registration at the K-State Department of Agronomy website.

Youth For the Quality Care of Animals Classes

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national, multi-species youth livestock quality assurance program that covers food safety, animal well-being, and character development. It is required to be completed annually by all Kansas State Fair Grand Drive and Kansas Junior Livestock Show participants. Learn more about YQCA at the K-State Youth Livestock Program website. YQCA training can be completed online or by attending an in-person class. The training date will be posted by 4H agent, Marissa Hurst. For more information contact Marissa at mlhurst@ksu.edu.